They tried to warn you motherhood can be tough but you never really understood how tough it is when you are finally in the mix of it. The sleepless days and night. The worry and anxiety. You never knew this newborn baby could completely turn your world upside down. While this is the first time you have ever experience such immense love for another human being, getting through this newborn stage can be rough. Here are our survival tips.
- When help is offered, take it! You don’t get trophies for being the mom who did it all. Your baby needs you at your best. So, when someone offers to help, make sure you take it. Have a list of things that you need to be done like laundry or grocery shopping. When someone asks what they can do to help, hand them your list.
- Don’t overbuy the newborn clothes. It’s exciting to buy your baby their first clothes but remember that babies grow fast. They will only be in those newborn clothes for a couple of months tops. Help elevate some stress and check out our amazing Snug Bub baby clothes here. Not only do they help them stay dry but they also grow with them! Put this on your baby registry. It will make an awesome baby shower gift.
- Make time for yourself. Give yourself an hour or two in the beginning just for yourself. Hand over the bottle duty to dad and carve out some time to do something for you. It can be as simple as getting out of the house for a moment to grab a cup of coffee or just window shop. This will help you recharge and come back to your little one a little less wound up.
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